
Free motion quilting -

I love free motion quilting.  I draw shapes. Whatever shapes happen to develop while Im quilting. Ive been quilting for about 11 years. Truthfully, I find that I make the same shapes over and over. Lots of curvy circles, mixed in with sharp edges. I also like to echo the shapes into each other.   
 Hello -  I have long been a fan of fabrics with fruit!  I love scrap fabrics that I find in the wild, scraps that are sent to me by strangers and friends, and I totally go crazy for fabrics that are recycled clothing. The quilt below has a little of everything. Including a big center star.  I made this quilt using the Viking Sapphire.  I loved the center of the quilt. Ive made this pattern many many times.  Hope you all are well!  Taffy 

Fresh applique

Hello - !  Ive been doing various forms of raw edge applique for years. I loved using the "hover foot" on the Viking machines Ive had to do gorgeous blanket stitches around shapes.  I also use a straight stitch machine to do straight stitching around shapes.  Ive posted a youtube video I made about the following quilt. The video below is just me talking.    The applique above is raw edge with machine embroidery designs and free motion quilting.  I love raw edge applique. I do not do any hand work, or turned edge applique. All the best to you.  Taffy. 

Still quilting!

Hello to anyone who checks in. Here is a link to my Instagram, Instagram I hope you are doing well, and that last year was a wonderful year for you. George and I are still happily living our lives. We try to walk as much as possible hoping to stay healthy while trying not to getting sunburns. The sun here in New Orleans is definitely a lot brighter than back home in Maine. I should rewrite that sentence. The sun here, at home in New Orleans, is a lot brighter than back in Maine. I try to remember that even in December sunscreen is necessary. I got a sunburn last week at the zoo, even though I'd worn SPF 60! If I forget to wear sunscreen when I walk George I get a small sunburn on my arms and on my bald spot even though we only walk for about 40 min. A few years ago, I decided to go to graduate school. I'll be graduating in May. During my breaks, I get time to make quilts. I'm working on string quilts this break. Making string blocks brings back a lot of great memor...
It is Labor Day weekend! I love this holiday .... I'm having a sale on my Etsy to celebrate the cooler weather coming. George and I are making quilts and going to New Orleans parades this weekend. So much fun. I was out shopping and saw this hilarious pic! Mirror images are not who we are! I am the person I see reflected in the faces of people who love me. Although ... I did take this selfie today, too. Quilt stuff? I'm making a star quilt for my bed. It will be partially scraps and partially other fabrics that were gifted to me or bought. I think I'm going to make an effort to make it clash as much as possible! Hope you all will find some fun this weekend. It's for us. The workers.

New Orleans ... hot + wet!

I have been sewing scrap quilts. Making new fabric from scraps! Nothing new here. I can't claim to offer any new skill. I can offer support! Get out the scraps and make something! Finish the project! Screw filling a closet with UFOs! Get the scrap bin out and sew some bits together ... and keep going. It is mindless fun.