Ive got to ask for help -

Hey Everyone -

Last fall some serious things happened that caused me to fall behind on my mortgage. At this point the bank will only accept a lump sum payment instead of payments on my past due amount.

Im asking for help to clear that amount - and let me move forward from the trouble I had last fall.

I explain it all on the "go fund me" page.

I really want to stay in my house. If you can give me some help with this it would mean the world to me. There just are not apartments in my town as cheap as my house is. it would be worse for me if i had to leave.

Save My house!

There are all kinds of levels - from 20.00, 50.00, 100.00 to a 300.00 donation that gets a queen zie quilt in return.

Im going to make a signature quilt with the 20 and 50 dollar donation levels and all of those peoples names will stay with me to remind me that Im really never alone and people are around to offer help when I fall down

I do lots of work in the communities I belong to and I have to ask for help.


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