I have too much stuff in my house!

Im overwhelmed.

I feel like I cant move without bumping into things and tipping stuff over. Here are two pics of when my house was clean and manageable.

Those two pics also give an idea of the size of my entire condo.

Its 250sf.

The Bathroom is behind the kitchen wall there where the sink and stove top are. I tore down the wall in between the Kitchen and the other room when I first moved in.

It never really felt too small until I got the bunk beds ... then, I started feeling cramped.

Now, with all the sewing stuff I feel really packed in here.

I think I need to try to make a plan. I got really depressed when no project seemed to really work out to my liking. I tried to paint it three times and hated it every time .. and Ive had great success in the past decorating. I got accepted to design school once upon a time .. I mean Im kinda good at design but, not in this house. Every idea seemed to fail.

Now - I just have piles of unfinished (home imporvement) projects everywhere ... I also lost 75% of the income I had when I bought the place -- so thats playing a MAJOR role in keeping projects that I started from being finished as well.

I have given away 3 quilts in the last week in an effort to rid myself of some of the things in my house .. but too much stuff is not the only problem here.


  1. I will be watching to see how you resolve this problem because I have too much stuff, too! Your condo is very cute, though.

  2. I lived in a 300 sq ft apartment back in my younger days. THOUGHT-I-WOULD-GO-MAD. I had no hobbies at that point in my life, other than drinking heavily. I can't imagine how I would have coped if I'd had to actually *do* something there.

    Your place is way cuter than mine was. Mine was basically a couple of hallways in an big old house that had long ago passed its glory days.

    Good luck. I bet you'll get there. Drag queens can do magic.


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