My way. 4 patch.
I made enough 4 patch blocks to make two quilts. The second one needed to be mine. I made the first one to look like the one in the book. Why do that? Awhile ago I bought some fabric with roses on it that I was in love with but was afraid to use. I decided it was time. Here is how it came out - What do you think? Does the floral overpower the blocks? Is that a bad thing (if it does)? For me, the blend is perfect. I am dreaming about the bed on the porch of my childhood camp. It was iron and sometimes had a hornets nest somewhere inside. That is the truth! But, it was on a screen porch near the lake. I loved it there. And, this quilt is now part of the memory even though it never was. Here is the first quilt.
I just love the colors of these! The quilting is wonderful!